About Us
Induction Heating Equipment | Hydraulic Pipe Fitting Making Machine | Hot Forming Machine | Ring Rolling Machine - Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier of High Quality Industrial Machinery range offered at competitive prices
HENGYUAN(Guo Zhong International Limited) is a prominent Manufacturer and Exporter,
engaged in the designing, development, and marketing of Hydraulic Machinery reflecting outstanding hydraulic engineering.
We have been established in the year 2008 with an aim to provide high performance machinery suiting the
applications of diverse industrial sectors. Our product range encompasses Induction Heating Equipment,
Elbow Machine, Pipe Fitting Machine, Hot Forming Machine, Hot Forming Elbow Machine, Hydraulic Hot Forming Elbow Machine,
Cold Forming Tee Machine, Shot Blasting Machine, Pipe Cutting Machine, Shot Blasting Machine, Heating Machine, and others.
Our total production capacity on yearly basis is up to 30 million yuan that showcase our
capability in meeting the comprehensive requirement of the customers.